βοΈMint / Drop
You will be able to buy The Original's 915 NFT in 4 drops. 25% of the collection will be available on each drop. Rewards are maximum for the first drop, they decrease until the last drop.
Each of the 915 NFT The Originals are in unique edition (1/1)
The NFT will be first sold on WeLockLove website, you will be able to purchase and mint a token.
The Drop (the first sale) will be divided into 4 equal phases.
We set up a collaboration goal to give 1,000 free Spaces to contributors that participate.
Every 25% progress of this goal, a Drop will happen !
So every 250 Spaces token given to contributors, one sale of 25% of The Originals will take place!
Rewards (free Spaces given when you hold an Original) decrease phase after phase.
Drop: Application and minting
Claim and get The Original's NFT.
Each drop will follow this method:
a 25% collaboration progress is reached!
We start the application phase in the next 24 hours, we will announce the precise time on social media.
You will be able to connect on the website and select the number of artworks from each format that you would like to purchase , e.g. "2 Bundles + 1 Panel". Limits are shown below. You must have the corresponding ETH amount in your wallet, but no permission on this amount in your wallet is required at this time. An application is offchain and free.
We will gather all applications during a 48 hours period.
We will allocate random tokens to applicants, following a "proportional model" based on the total ETH amount of the application. Only collectors with an allocation will be whitelisted to mint at the contract level.
If you are selected, you will have 24 hours to mint your token(s). After this period, you loose your exclusivity on the token and we open the purchase for everyone.
Current drop unminted tokens after this period will be available for minting for everyone on the website.
Each one of the four drops, the following number of Originals NFT's will be available to purchase and portionaly + randomly allocated:
Bundles | Panels | OctoPanels | |
Numbers of NFT for sale | 180 | 22 | 2 |
Application limit per wallet | 8 | 2 | 1 |
Price | 0.15 | 1 | 10 |
A collector will be able to claim during each drop a maximum of:
8 Bundles
2 Panels
1 OctoPanel
Allocation will be made proportional to the ETH amount claimed, i.e. applications including OctoPanels and Panels will have larger chances to get allocated, than claims with only Bundles.
Rewards in Spaces for Originals holders
If you mint an Original and hold it when we release Spaces: you will get Spaces during an airdrop. The number of Spaces you get depends on the Original NFT and the Drop # you mint. It gives you a huge discount to the minting price!
Spaces rewards
Drop \ Original NFT | Bundles | Panels | OctoPanels |
Drop #1 - 25% | 2 | 8 | 20 |
Drop #2 - 50% | 2 | 6 | 16 |
Drop #3 - 75% | 1 | 4 | 12 |
Drop #4 - 100% | 1 | 3 | 10 |
Giveaways - NFT for contributors
For each of the four Drops, contributors to the 25% goal progress, in addition to be rewarded with Spaces token as per their contribution, will have a chance to win free Originals NFT.
In total, 33.8 Ether of Originals NFT will be given randomly to contributors. That's 52x Bundles, 6x Panels and 2x OctoPanels.
Plus, there are pieces of 7.2 Ether of Originals NFT to win if you're in the largest contributors leaderboard at each drop. That's 8x Bundles, and 6x Panels.
Given that there will only be 1,000 validated contributions, and that there's no contribution limit per wallet... you should join the race now!
Originals NFT to win by Drop
Drop | Bundles | Panels | OctoPanels |
Drop #1 - 25% | 13 | 2 | 0 |
Drop #2 - 50% | 13 | 1 | 1 |
Drop #3 - 75% | 13 | 2 | 0 |
Drop #4 - 100% | 13 | 1 | 1 |
Race - contributors ranking rewards - Spaces and Originals NFT
For Drops #1 to #3
Rank | Originals NFT | Spaces |
1 | 1x Panel | 3 |
2 | 1x Bundle | 2 |
3 | 1x Bundle | 2 |
For Drop #4 - Final Drop
Rank | Originals NFT | Spaces |
1 | 1x Panel | 100 |
2 | 1x Panel | 50 |
3 | 1x Panel | 25 |
4 | 1x Bundle | 15 |
5 | 1x Bundle | 15 |
Last updated