
Let's build a database to make the search easier

We've got 37,374 photos of individual lovelocks. They are the messages of thousands of people who attach their own piece of art on the Pont des Arts Bridge in Paris before 2014. All those lovelocks were removed from the bridge in 2015.

We need to help anyone looking for their lovelock to find it on WeLockLove !

We are going to collaborate to describe the messages written on the lovelock. Referencing what we see on the lovelock will allow to create a large databse. The result for any visitor? Typing keywords in a search box to find his lovelock. Amazing right?

We're rewarding all contributors with free NFT'S:

+ one free Space every 100+n descriptions you make

+ a chance to win an Original NFT in 4 massive giveaways

+ if you're among the top contributors, an Original NFT reward.

We've got 1,000 free Spaces to distribute in rewards of your collaboration. After those 1,000 Spaces are given, we will stop the contribution rewards. So participate now or never!

Difficulty increases

The more Spaces are given the more difficult it is to earn the following ones. This principle is declined for two perimeters: the whole community and your personnal account.

  • One more Space is given to any contributor = harder it gets for everyone to get the next one.

  • If you get one more Space for you, the next one is 5% harder to get. But you need to accomodate this difficulty to become one of the largest contributor and win the free NFT's during the race.


  • d = number of lovelocks to describe to get your next Space

  • S = the number of Spaces already given to the contributors

  • n = the number of Spaces already given to you

The first Space to be given will need 100 descriptions contributions. (S=0, n = 0) => d = 100

If you start contributing when the community has already released 275 Spaces, you will need to describe 173 lovelocks to earn your first Space. (S=275, n=0)

If the community has released 100 Spaces, from which you contributed from 15 and you're going to get your 16th, you will need to describe 234 lovelocks (S=100, n=15)

Giveaways - Originals NFT for contributors

For each of the four Drops, contributors to the 25% goal progress, in addition to be rewarded with Spaces token as per their contribution, will have a chance to win free Originals NFT.

In total, 33.8 Ether of Originals NFT will be given randomly to contributors. That's 52x Bundles, 6x Panels and 2x OctoPanels.

Plus there are pieces of 7.2 Ether of Originals NFT to win if you're in the largest contributors at each drop. That's 8x Bundles and 6x Panels.

Given that there will only be 1,000 validated contributions, and that there's no contribution limit per wallet... you should join the race now!

Originals NFT to win by drop

Race - contributors ranking rewards

For Drops #1 to #3

Only the contributors for the Drop will be rewarded.

For Drop #4 - Final Drop

Last updated